How to get Here

With airplane , rental car or public transport

The closest airport is Torp Sandefjord airport. Torp airport is 149km - app 2h 15min drives from Vrådal. at the airport you can rent cars. It is possible to use public transport, but the service is not frequent and you have to make bus transfer. More information about the airport at

Other airports are Oslo - Gardermoen, 256 km - app 4 h drive from Vrådal and Kjevik airport in Kristiansand, 153 km - app 2h 20 min drive from Vrådal.


With train and bus

The closest railway station is Bø in Telemark. Bø is 60 km from Vrådal. There is a bus connection to Vrådal.

For information about railway, see, se For information about bus connection se

With car

It is most convenient to use a car to get here. You will also have the possibility to explore the area and go to attractions that are in the area around Vrådal

Driving with a car in wintertime is usually not a problem if you have good winter tyre. The roads are cleared for snow and sanded if slippery. There are some hills to get to the cabins, so if your tyres are not very good, it is a good idea to bring snow chains. It is 7 km to the ski centre.